video by Noe Lopez Mendoza

Bahias de Huatulco

The Bays of Huatulco

Huatulco, pronounced: ([wa'tulko]; wah-TOOL-coh) is located in the state of Oaxaca on the Pacific Coast of Mexico. This tropical area is unique in so many ways.

Huatulco gives travelers lots of reasons to choose to visit this eco-friendly destination. The weather tends to be an enticing factor as Huatulco typically has hot and sunny weather all year around. The summer months tend to be wetter and November-April is considered the “high season”.

The Indigenous peoples have strong ties to their Mayan heritage and culture. The ambiance is calm & tranquil compared to the high-energy places like Cancun and Puerto Vallarta. An incredibly beautiful place to find peace and re-balance your soul.

There are nine bays in Huatulco and the 36 beaches of Huatulco are located within those bays. Many are not accessible by land. The world-class beaches have soft, beige sands, teaming with ocean life. Snorkeling, SCUBA, and deep-sea fishing are among the many activities available. The clear, warm water is perfect for sunning and splashing in the gentle waves. Many of the beaches are home to world-class surfing as it heats up in the summer and the swells build.

In the spring/summer as the tropical rains bathe the area, the jungle bursts into life. Colorful flowers and climbing vines compete with each other to cover the forest canopy. In the drier months, the huge pipe-organ cactuses, that were hidden in the trees, can be glimpsed between the trunks.

The Sierra Madre Mountain Range sits just north of the area, running parallel to the coast. It offers many opportunities to visit the cooler weather sites, such as coffee plantations, towering waterfalls, and whitewater rafting (in the late summer/fall). There are also cacao plantations where you can see how Mayan chocolate pods are harvested and hand-processed in the traditional way.

In the evening you have a chance to see some of the animals of the deep jungle, like the Lesser Anteaters, Kinkajoos, or Jaguarundi. Beautiful, colorful butterflies abound in the summer months. Various trees with crazy flowers, decorate the canopy year around.

The mountain areas offer a cooler respite from the hotter days at the beach.

An abundance of wildlife can be seen in the many National Parks and sanctuaries. Whales, sea turtles, manta rays, dolphins, corals, and tropical fish are in the sea. Frigate birds, kiskadees, orioles, greater grackles, white-throated jays, and red-front conures grace the sky. They are some of the many colorful birds that add to the cheerful atmosphere. If you’re lucky, you might catch a glimpse of a troop of shy coati mundi or solitary armadillos.

There are many towns that make up the area. Las Crucecita, Tangolunda, and Santa Maria Huatulco are some of the main ones. Local artisans and craftsmen offer a plethora of hand-made treasures that are made in Huatulco and the surrounding townships. The textiles, colorful alebrije, mezcal, and carved pottery, being some of the favorites.

In the end, the cheerful, friendly people here are what makes this area such a joy to visit. We hope you will have a chance to come try our food, sun, beaches, and waterfalls! We will plan to see you here soon!